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List of Orthodontic Functional Appliances - Wikipedia
Noncompliance maxillary molar distalization with the First Class appliance (FCA)
The FCA is an efficient noncompliance appliance to distalize molars in the mixed dentition without distal rotations. However, these movements are associated with distal molar tipping and anchorage loss of the anterior teeth(FCA裝置是一個不需病人配合的有效裝置,它可以用在混合齒列期的大臼齒遠心移動,並不會造成遠心旋轉,不過,這樣的移動會伴隨著大臼齒的傾斜與前牙的支抗丟失)
It was introduced by Fortini A, Lupoli M and ParriM in 1999. The components of the appliance includes bands for first molars and second premolars, vestibular screws soldered to single tubes and butterfly shaped Nance button. Between soldered joint premolar and molar NiTi coil spring is fully compressed. 4mm of molar distalisation can be achieved within 2-4 months. The disadvantage of the appliance is it produces more of a tipping movement than bodily movement.