Forsus™ Fatigue Resistant Device Treatment Guide(3M)
List of Orthodontic Functional Appliances - Wikipedia
A forsus appliance is 3M Unitek’s Class II corrector. Seventy percent(70%) of Class II relationships are due to a mandibular retrusion. There are many appliances to help the orthodontist advance the mandible. A herbst appliance is appliance of choice for severe mandibular retrusions and can be placed at the beginning of treatment. A forsus appliance is a little more patient friendly and is used for Class II correction’s that are not quite as severe. It can also be used as a fixed Class II corrector when a patient does not wear elastics. The forsus appliance is usually placed about 10 to 14 months into treatment. If we are concerned with catching the growth spurt the forsus can be used at the start of treatment as a crossbow appliance. There are many variations and ways to wear a forsus to give intrusion or a headgear effect as well.(forus appliance是針對安格氏二類,下巴後縮的案例,70%的二類案例通常是由於下顎的後縮,forsus appliance用在後縮比較不嚴重的病例上.尤其是需要戴橡皮筋而不配合的病人,戴用治療期間約在10~14個月左右)
Forsus 推杆矯治器
Forsus 推杆矯治器又稱Forsus 抗疲勞裝置,於1999 年由3M公司推出,它兼顧了剛性和柔性
FFA 的優點,是最早的混合型FFA(fixed functional appliance)。
Forsus 矯治器由彈簧部件、L 固定管和推杆套管裝置組成。
外,Forsus 矯治器也具備以下的優點:
4)可隨意張口和移動下頜,舒適度很高。歐美各國對Forsus 矯治器
床療效。一些學者的研究發現,Forsus 矯治器有利於形成正常的肌電圖而重建正常的平衡,
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