

 S表示sella (the center of sella turcica)就是土耳其鞍部的中心點


  N表示 nasion (the most anterior limit of suture nasofrontalis)就是鼻額縫的最前限的點


Ba表示 basion (the posterior inferior point on the occipital bone at the anterior margin of the foramen magnum)就是枕骨位於枕骨大孔前緣最後下點


ANS表示anterior nasion spine (the apex of the anterior nasal spine)就是前鼻棘的頂點


 A點表示subspinale (the most posterior point on the concave anterior border of the maxillary alveolar process)就是上顎骨齒槽突前緣凹陷的最後的點


B點表示infraspinale(the most posterior point of the concave anterior border of the mandibular alveolar process)就是下顎骨齒槽突前緣凹陷的最後的點


Po表示pogonion (the most anterior point on the mandibular symphysis)就是下顎骨聯合的最前點


Gn表示anatomical gnathion (the most anteroinferior point of the mandibular symphysis)就是下顎骨聯合的最前下點


cGn表示 contructed gnathion (the intersection of the facial plane and the mandibular plane; facial plane is the line from the nasion to the pogonion)就是顏面平面與下顎角平面的分角線交角,面平面就是N與Pog的連線


 Me表示 menton (the lowermost point on the shadow of the mandibular symphysis)就是下顎骨聯合影子的最下點


Go表示 gonion (the most outward point on the angle formed by the junction of the ramus and body of the mandible on its posterior, inferior aspect)就是下顎角的最外點,這個點是由ramus與body在後下方所形成的


Co表示condylion (the most posterior point on the outline of the mandibular condyle)就是髁頭外形的最後點




P表示 porion (the superior aspect of the external auditory meatus)就是外耳道孔的上緣


Or表示 orbitale (the lower border of the orbit of the eye)就是眼睛的下緣


PTM表示 pterygomaxillary fissure (the most posterosuperior aspect of the pterygomaxillary fissure)就是上顎翼狀裂隙的最後上緣,它不是一個點,而是一個像淚滴狀的解剖位置




or-p=FH plane(frankfurt horizontal plane)




上述的這些臨床解剖點,一般人是不易懂的,很多學矯正的人往往看到這一章就好像霧裡看花,其實只要把重點記下,對CASE的研判是有意義的,將來做完CASE的臨床疊影圖(SUPERIMPOSED CHART)可以得到顎骨移動的答案




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Cephalometric norms for the Saudi children living in the western region of Saudi Arabia: a research report


Cephalometric Practical

cephalometric change動畫

    創作者 崇愛牙醫 的頭像


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