想要前牙內縮又得到上下顎的穩定掛法(long CL II + short CL III elastics)BOX form(方型)的掛法,也是穩定牙列的一種操作(注意此圖裡的wire是LH wire 從3-7每個牙都有tip back bends,是用熱處理器加熱作出的)
elastics wear(橡皮筋掛法)
這是TOMY產的L16橡皮筋,一條拉上下做尖窩對位,又可以叫做ZIG-ZAG法,或是UP & DOWN 法
CL II二級牽引(不過這種帶法我不會用在CASE上,而是鉗夾游離牽引鉤在3-2/2-3間,直接掛在鉤上,這就是施力在線上的道理,牙齒才不會亂轉)
這是在2/2上綁小林鉤(KOBAYASHI HOOK),掛二級橡皮筋牽引,不過這種方法也不好,牙與牙很易被拉開
這是DAMON SYSTEM的所有牽引的方法
這是TOMY公司產的MEDIUM SIZE的皮圈,都是以國家的名稱來代表
這是美國產的M SIZE的皮圈
Orthodontic Elastics Rules(矯正橡皮筋使用的規則)
1. Wear the elastics all the time, day and night, unless we instruct otherwise!(請全日戴用,不管日夜,除非有另外的指示戴用)
2. Remove them only to eat — a fresh set should go in after you have eaten and brushed your teeth.(在進食時可以取下,在完成後刷完牙再重新戴上)
3. Carry your elastics with you all the time. If one breaks, replace it right away.(隨時隨身帶好橡皮筋,若是斷掉了,請立即換上新品戴用)
4. If you run out, please call us and tell us what size you need. We'll get a new supply to you.(橡皮筋使用沒了,請立即告訴我們,同時告訴我們您使用的尺寸型號,我們會補上新的皮筋給你的)
Teeth always move when elastics are worn consistently! (牙齒會隨著您持續的戴用而產生移動的!)
Class I Rubber Bands
Used to close open extraction spaces and to correct the midlineClass II Triangles
Used to Close an open bite in a class II direction and to correct midlinesClass II Rubber Bands
Used to decrease Overjet, correct midlines, and also help close spaces in extraction cases
Class III Triangles
Used to close an open bite in class III directions and to correct midlinesClass III Rubber Bands
Used to reduce an under bite and correct midlines