Corticotomy-facilitated orthodontics provides a means for rapidly moving teeth purportedly with little damaging effects to the periodontium and with greatly reduced treatment time
A cut through the outer hard shell of a bone that completely encircles it but does not sever the internal blood supplies and the like. This enables the bone to be distracted allowing growth of new bone at the corticotomy site
a corticotomy is a cutting of the bone that splits it in two (bone fracture) but involves cortex only, leaving intact the
medullary vessels and periosteum. Corticotomy is particularly important in distraction osteogenesis
Intrusion of Overerupted Molars by Corticotomy and Orthodontic Skeletal Anchorage(Cheol-Hyun Moon;a Jin-Uk Wee;b Hyun-Sun Lee)
Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics(from dr.嚴永強)