A Mini-Implant for Orthodontic Anchorage in a Deep Overbite Case
Mini-screw Application For Gummy Smile Correction
Correction of deep overbite and gummy smile by using a mini-implant
中華民國齒顎矯正學會(TAO Orthodontists Bulletin)(內有dr. vincent g. kokich 2009年的演講摘要)
中華民國齒顎矯正學會 (TAO Orthodontists Bulletin 79期)(內有廖炯琳醫師的演講整理)
中華民國齒顎矯正學會(TAO Orthodontists Bulletin 93期)
利用迷你骨釘作為牙弓轉正之錨定裝置-病例報告(Arch Rotation Corrected by Means of Mini-Implant-A Case Report)
Periodontal surgeries & Orthodontic treatment
Zygomatic Anchorage for En Masse Retraction in the Treatment of Severe Class II Division 1
Use of Zygomatic Anchors during Rapid Canine Distalization
Temporary AnchorageDevice to Correct a Class III Surgical Case
Cortical Bone Thickness In The Maxilla And Mandible For Mini-implant placement
TADs for tooth movement~a review and case reports
What type of mini-implants?(Osseointegrated & Non-osseointegrated power points)(dr.frank shieh)
Risk factors and indications of orthodontic temporary anchorage
a comprehensive evaluation of current orthodontic miniscrew systems(by dr.林政毅,劉人文,葉金良,carla a. evans)