未命名  twin-block-appliance-treatment-803022  


(In function, these two appliances interlock at the 70 degree angle set into the bite blocks and posture the mandible forward into the ideal Class I position preset by your wax registration.)

Twin   block(雙板)矯治器是Dr.Clark教授於1982年發明的一種改良肌激動器。imagesCAJIYKB5










 Class II Division I; Class II Division 2; Class I open bites; Class I closed bites; Class III; Lateral arch constriction and anterior/posterior arch length discrepancies.


The Twin Block can also be used effectively in TMJ therapy.(改善TMJ問題)













The Twin Block is primarily used in Phase I treatment to correct the bite (open or deep), reposition the lower jaw, increase arch development and/or expand, depending upon your diagnosis.

The Twin Block uses the forces of occlusion (how the upper and lower jaw come together) to either open or close
the bite depending on the design.

With the Twin Block, 24 hour wear is recommended for optimal results (整天戴用)and should not interfere with normal movements of the tongue, lips and lower jaw even though your teeth will not be touching.

The Twin Block should only be removed to eat and brush(吃東西與刷牙時除去). Care of the Twin Block should consist of brushing
the upper and lower appliance every time you brush your teeth and a denture cleaner should be used a minimum of 3 times a week.

 If expansion is required you will receive a key which will be turned at home _1___ time every _7__ days by an
adult. (有加裝擴大器時,每周調一次1/4轉)


There will be an adjustment period and speech may be affected for a short period of time(調整期的時候說話會受影響). Make sure
that you follow the instructions given to you on how to remove and replace your Twin Block to ensure that it is properly placed and seated every time. It is important to make sure that you bring it to every appointment(每次回診必需戴回檢查)

The Twin Block appliance is used to help a receded jaw grow forward and skinny or narrow jaws grow wider to help you keep
all of your permanent teeth.(使生長過小的顎骨向前,使過窄的顎骨擴大,讓永久牙的牙列保持更好更穩定)


 If you have an overbite (buck teeth)(深咬), it's usually caused by your lower jaw not growing out enough; on the other hand,
crowded teeth most frequently mean that your jaw did not grow wide enough. These are the cases in which the orthodontist may recommend a Twin Block - sometimes adding a few braces and wires to help give your appliance a head start.(TWIN BLOCK是一項功能性矯正器,可以促進顎骨的生長發育,有時伴隨固定矯正器的操作,也可以得到好的療效)




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