- Nov 06 Mon 2023 11:29
@CARRIERE SLX 3D Brackets Engineering(凱利矯正器的工程研發)
- 全站分類:醫療保健
- 個人分類:carriere Motion 3D凱利遠移器+SLB
- 此分類上一篇: @Carriere® SLX® 3D & M Series Wires Bonding & Progression Protocol Doctors Training(醫師訓練用)
- 此分類下一篇: @Dr. Jose Carriere: Myofunctional Therapy for Open Bites
- 上一篇: @Carriere® SLX® 3D & M Series Wires Bonding & Progression Protocol Doctors Training(醫師訓練用)
- 下一篇: @Dr. Jose Carriere: Myofunctional Therapy for Open Bites
- 2023: @Carriere SLX 3D Brackets Features(凱利矯正器的製作與使用心得)
- 2023: @CARRIERE M SERIES Wires Engineering & Progression Protocol
- 2023: @Transitioning from the Carriere® Motion 3D Appliance™ to Aligners
- 2023: @Carriere® Motion™ Debonding Instructions by Dr. Luis Carriere
- 2023: @Carriere® Motion™ Appliance
- 2023: @Shorter Animation Motion 3D and Aligners
- 2023: @Carriere® Motion™ Class II & III Appliance Video Placement
- 2023: @Carriere MOTION 3D CLEAR Class II Bonding
- 2023: @Carriere® SLX 3D™ The Complete Self-Ligating Bracket System
- 2023: @Complete Self-Ligating Treatment Solution - SLX 3D(矯正器打開器)
- 2023: @Dr. Jose Carriere: Myofunctional Therapy for Open Bites
- 2023: @Carriere® SLX® 3D & M Series Wires Bonding & Progression Protocol Doctors Training(醫師訓練用)
- 2023: @Carriere Motion 3D For Class II & III with SLX3D Brackets: Doctors Education(醫生教育用)
- 2023: @How to Connect Your Rubber Bands to Carriere® Motion 3D(如何掛橡皮筋)
- 2023: @Myofunctional Therapy for Open Bite Correction Class II Carriere Motion 3D finished with SLXBrackets
- 2023: @Carriere® Clear Motion™ Class II Appliance - Maxillary hypoplasia(上顎發育不足)
- 2023: @Class II Open Bite (開咬)treated with Motion 3D Class II, SLX Braces & Myofunctional therapy
- 2023: @Carriere® Motion™ Appliance for Class II &III Patients Education Animation
- 2023: @Carriere® Motion Appliance being placed with an Essix appliance
- 2023: @Sagittal First: The Ultimate Success Formula - Class II & CL III malocclusion
- 2019: @齒顎矯正每日一說~~0082 Solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome(上顎正中孤立中切牙SMMCI)
- 2015: @所有的矯正治療操作都要在一開始就先想好
- 2013: @有關齒顎矯正治療收費繳費的問題
- 2013: @本院拔除4個4(小臼齒/雙尖牙)的雙顎前突案例長期追蹤
- 2013: @schwarz appliance(慢速擴大器)的使用 &配戴注意事項
- 2013: @埋伏齒(impacted tooth)的處理過程
- 2013: @假性前牙錯合(pseudo CL III malocclusion ) anterior crossbite的臨床操作
- 2013: @3M公司產的矯正黏著材料
- 2013: @TYPODONT(矯正操作模型)
- 2013: @矯正治療拔牙與不拔牙(extraction&nonextraction)的時機
- 2013: @假性三類錯咬(pseudo CL III malocclusion)底包天(戽斗)的反咬錯合
- 2013: @transposition(錯位牙3-4)的改正
- 2013: @異位中門齒(incisor rotation)
- 2013: @改變牙弓的形態(arch form)
- 2013: @齒顎矯正回診的重要性
- 2013: @打開咬合(bite opening)的方法
- 2013: @日文(日本語,nihongo))矯正科用語 (歯科用語ライブラリ)LIBRARY
- 2013: @為什麼"虎牙"(犬齒)不能輕易拔掉?
- 2013: @何時進行牙齒矯正合適?
- 2013: @牙齒擁擠是怎麼形成的呢?
- 2013: @夜間磨牙(bruxism)
- 2013: @成人治療和兒童/青少年治療有什麼區別?
- 2013: @什麼種類的矯治器用來糾正關節生長的問題?
- 2013: @兒童的生理成長是如何影響矯正治療的?
- 2013: @為什麼乳牙有時候需要拔除?
- 2013: @進行早期治療的好處是什麼?
- 2013: @矯正治療中可能發生的問題與解決之道(trouble shooting)
- 2013: @DAMON SYSTEM SLB(戴蒙系統滑蓋式矯正器)
- 2013: @齒顎矯正常見的疑問彙編(治療前)
- 2013: @微型骨釘(迷你螺絲) MIA
- 2013: @為甚麼要在生長(growth)較旺盛期(puberty)矯正?
- 2013: @小青蛙 frankel II appliance
- 2013: @TOMY LH wire( LH矯正法)
- 2013: @MIA (mini implant /miniscrew anchorage)微植體支抗 迷你螺絲
- 2013: @矯正諮詢前您必須要有的資料準備(這就好像蓋房子要先有藍圖的道理)
- 2013: @像不像小螃蟹(rapid palatal expander上顎快速擴大器)