以下的這一段話非常的經典,若是您在操作bite opening前,一定要牢記這一段話!!

A word of advice: do not do any other mechanics until the bite is opened. Do what it takes (and be patient!) to get the bite opened before progressing in the case. You will save a ton of time in the long run.  (from: http://practicalorthodontics.blogspot.com/)

It is more difficult to open the bite in extraction cases than in non-extraction cases.(拔牙案例比不拔牙案例更難打開咬合)

常常在矯正的過程當中總會遇到咬合加深的情形,通常會藉著許多種方法來打開,比如在線上做補償曲線,molar tip back bends(大臼齒後傾彎),口外力J型鉤,INTRUSION ARCH(壓入弓),咬合板(或叫颌墊),迷你微植體(MIA),多用弓(UTILITY ARCH),斜面導板,搖椅弓,BURSTONE SECTION ARCH(片段弓),LEVER ARM(懸力臂),T型曲(T LOOP)與靴型曲(L LOOP),這些裝置或操作可以幫助在咬合變深的狀態下依所需要的情形操作,可以得到一些效果,有時也必需聯合使用,方能竟其功



多用弓(utility archwire)打開咬合的圖示

Bio-Kinetix Nitanium Utility Archwire

Issue Date: Feb 2005

The Bio-Kinetix Nitanium Utility Archwire provides better flexibility, gentler forces, and easier placement than conventional archwires, according to the manufacturer. The anterior section of the wire is .016"x.016" or .018" nickel titanium, while the posterior sections are .016"x.016" stainless steel. Packs of five wires are available in 28mm, 34mm, and 38mm sizes.

For more information, contact Ortho Organizers, 1619 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, San Marcos, CA 92069. (800) 547-2000; www.orthoorganizers.com.

Upper utility arch


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