這是成型品的T loop,處在未激活(activate)的狀態,使用時必需拉開它才會有作用,拉開後靠其向loop內聚攏的力量回彈,這樣以達到關閉space的目的
這是一般的T LOOP的標準長,寬,高度,臨床上可以依
這是T loop激活把第二大臼齒扶正的案例圖
Effects of T-Loop Geometry on Its Forces and Moments
舌側矯正用的T loop個別點選入圖可以看案例
Biomechanical Strategiesfor a Contemporary Busy OrthodonticPractice
Multidisciplinary Treatment Approach for the Localized Gingival Recession: A Case Report
biomechanics of DR. NANDA(內有T-LOOP)
Curvature Versus V-Bends in a Group B Titanium T-Loop Spring
暴牙垂直高度露齦笑的改正臨床案例 (內有T LOOP)
A segmented T spring for canine retraction — case report
Experimental Force Definition System for a New Orthodontic Retraction Spring