


以下是由文獻中整理出來有關twin block的臨床療效




2)Twin block矫治器可促进下颌生长,改善前牙的覆牙合覆盖关系.结论 Twin














10)Twin block作为一种功能矫治器,在安氏Ⅱ类错的治疗上有着独到的矫治效果.作者采用Twin block与固定矫治器相结合的双期矫治,对替牙晚期和恒牙早期较严重的由于下颌后缩引起的Ⅱ类错进行治疗,取得了满意的临床疗效.


,口外弓颈牵引联合固定矫治器主要抑制上颌及上切牙向前生长,两种方法均能有效矫正生长期Ⅱ类错(牙合),改善软组织侧貌 ,且均未产生不利的垂直向变化.



block 矫治器可促进下颌生长;同时引起上切牙舌倾,下切牙唇倾。结论:Twin block


Class II Div2 treated with a
Twin Block followed by fixed appliances(多圖片)


Class II Twin Block
treatment including extraction of four first molars


Class II Twin Block
treatment following a failed course of 'twinblock' treatment


 TWIN BLOCK的圖例                          twin block在咬合架上的圖

twin block的部件說明書



The Modified Twin Block Appliance in the Treatment of Class II
Division 2 Malocclusions (治療二類二分類錯咬)

A Modification to Enable Controlled Progressive Advancement of the Twin
Block Appliance



twin block使用在CL II div 1案例上的skeletal&dentoalveolar changes


twin block的技工操作


twin block的圖片


twin block的咬蠟要求(非常重要)


The Clark Twin Block


類似twin block的bite jumping screw的動畫圖

bite jumping screw的說明書    



1        Wear the appliance full time. If you have any problems wearing the appliance contact the practice. 


2        Take the appliance out for cleaning
your teeth, contact sports and swimming. You should wear it at meal times. This
requires a little practice but is worth the effort. 


3        At first the appliance may be a
little uncomfortable. Any sore spots will usually pass off as you get used to
your appliance. If the discomfort persists don't wait for the next appointment
but contact the practice and an appointment will be made for you to be seen as
soon as possible. You may produce a little more saliva initially but this will
soon return to normal. You must try to keep the blocks in contact at all times.
You will soon learn to speak with your teeth together. 


4        Keep the appliance very clean by
brushing thoroughly with a toothbrush and pay particular attention to brushing
your teeth and gums for three minutes at least twice a day. 


5        The twin block appliance is expensive to make and so you must take care of the
appliance. When the blocks are not in the mouth store the appliance in a plastic
box and DO NOT wrap in tissue paper - many appliances
have been thrown away after being wrapped in a napkin after lunchtime. If the
appliance breaks or becomes distorted contact the practice immediately.  If lost or broken beyond repair the extra  fee for replacement is
currently required


6        Remember that you should continue to
visit your own dentist for regular inspections and if necessary treatment during
the orthodontic treatment. 




7        Twin block therapy typically lasts
12 months and is followed by a further 20-24 months fixed appliance treatment. 


8        Fluoride mouth rinse should be used
daily throughout orthodontic treatment and disclosing tablets should be used
regularly to help you keep your teeth clean. 


9        Bring you toothbrush every time you come and see us and always clean your teeth thoroughly just before each
appointment. (每次回診, 請將口腔清洗乾淨)




The effects of the Twin-block appliance treatment on the skeletal and dentolaveolar
changes in Class II Divi ion 1 malocclusion













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