在處理overbite & overjet,and midline discrepancies時孰先孰後?
1) Always correct overbite before overjet. Overbite is corrected during the wire progression (.014,.016, and .020 stainless steel). Use curve if the pre-treatment overbite is 6mm or greater.
2) Overjet, midline correction, space closure, and other aspects of the malocclusion (except for overbite, which is done earlier) are corrected in the mechanics phase- after the wire progression. Correct these aspects of the malocclusion in .019x.025 stainless steel, because this wire provides very good control. By following these guidelines, most malocclusions can be corrected efficiently. (from: http://practicalorthodontics.blogspot.com/)
Atlanta Dental Group PC對overbite的定義與解釋
Overbite is a measure of the vertical overlap of the upper and lower front teeth. Excessive overbite may be caused by disproportionate eruption of front teeth, or over development of the bone that supports the teeth. Excessive overbite is commonly seen in conjunction with a Class II relationship (see below). Overbite is also known as a deep bite.(overbite是上下排前牙在垂直向的重疊所產生的一個測量,過大的垂直向覆咬會引起前牙不適時的萌牙,或是引發支持牙齒的骨頭之過度發育,過大的overbite會常見於伴隨著CL II咬合關係的案例,OVERBITE也可以稱為深咬DEEP BITE)
Overbite should be corrected because it can:(OVERBITE必須要改善之是因為它會)
- Cause improper functioning of your front teeth(引起你的前牙功能失調)
- Result in the lower front teeth biting into the gum tissue of the palate leading to periodontal problems(產生下牙齒去咬到上排牙的牙肉,造成牙周方面的問題)
- Unusual wear of the lower front teeth(與下排前牙不良的磨耗)
- Make your smile less attractive (讓你的笑容較不具吸引力)
Overjet is measure of the horizontal relationship of the upper and lower front teeth. It is often called "buck teeth", and is commonly confused with overbite. Excessive overjet may be caused by improper alignment of the molars (Class II relationship); a skeletal imbalance of the upper and lower jaw(s); flared upper incisors; missing lower teeth; crowded or tipped back lower teeth, or a combination of all the above. In addition, oral habits such as thumb or finger sucking or tongue thrusting can exacerbate the condition.(overjet上上下前牙在水平向的一個測量.,通常被稱為buck teeth,也常會和overbite搞混,過大的overjet會引起大臼齒的不正常排列,和上下顎骨骨的不平衡,上門牙外翻,下牙缺失,下牙的擁擠或後傾,或是以上的組合,除外,口腔不良習慣如吸吮姆指或是手指,或是弄舌癖會把overjet擴大)
Overjet should be corrected because it can:(overjet若不適時的改進會引起)
- Prevent proper functioning of the front teeth(妨礙前牙的正常功能行使)
- Lead to premature wear(導致早期磨耗)
- Make your smile less attractive (讓你的笑容不具吸引力)
A Nonextraction Case with Large Overjet and Deep Overbite
Mandibular Advancement Device Comparison Table(下顎促進往前生長的裝置比較表) 表格最下方有一段話為~~Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) hold the lower jaw and tongue forward making more space to breathe and prevent snoring. (這就是overjet過大者很可能都有呼吸方面的問題與打鼾的可能)
deep overbite overjet cowding of approx 6mm