這是dr. M alan bagden在3rd Asian Damon Forum(2009.3.24)裡所提出的,摘錄於下
1) vary torques in initial prescription to achieve clinical final results
damon system: variable torque (central incisor)
有Low torque(矯正器上以綠點標示) + 7度 (Lingual crown torque=labial root torque)
有standard (+12度)
和high(Super) torque(矯正器上以紅點標示) +17度(Buccal crown torque=lingual root torque)
以上三種矯正器若是都以反過來黏(upside down=inverted),則各為-7,-12,-17度的more lingual crown torque
2)always bond 2nd molar to fascitate alignment,bite opening, and root control
3)take a pano,after rectangular Cu NiTi phase and reposition any improper bracket placements (some dr. don't think so)
4)follow the newest ideal archwire progressioning
5)develop the lateral dimension through archwire and balancing to orthodontic forces with facial musculature rather than inserting high forced RPE
6)deep bite can be opened using different options based on lower arches requirements
7)place chain for consolidation under the archwire to minimize binding and friction
8)move teeth in group rather than individually. maintain constant blood supply to all teeth
9)close spaces on pre-posted SSW in the final phase. finishing cases(arch form and detailing) in rectangular TMA or SSW.
finish in SSW/TMA ●19x25,16x25 SSW
●19X25, 17x25 TMA
NiTi coil spring (Medium) ●4~~6oz , 9mm
●Activation to 18 mm
archwire Not extend to 2nd molar ● Friction↓ / irritation↓
anchorage control ●Figure 8 tie-together
● OBS(ortho bone screw)
10)CL II ,III elastics extend from the posts of final archwire to 1st molars.use 5/16" 6 oz elastics at night in difficult adult case
Quail~~Fox~~Bear~~Moose (ormco elastics的型號包裝) ~~be progressive!
11)modify the final archwire for each individual p't based on the arch form developed by the balance of forces. this form is established by the end of Hi-tech wire phase and based on the lower arch form.
wax bite(Lower) after 16 x 25 Cu NiTi
Lower arch form/ width EQUAL 3-3 the same !!
Upper > Lower 1~2 mm
EXT. case : add more 2 mm for prevent narrowing during space closure
12)be patient!! things can go slow and then happen all of a sudden
Clinical Impressions Library(這是ormco公司的文獻檔案)(先前po過多篇的journals,非常值得查閱)!!