從事矯正多年的臨床體驗中,在病例的諮詢過程,碰到不少有鼻腔問題,過敏問題,呼吸道問題的病患,而這當中,有很多病患是為這些類型的疾病所苦,不僅夜間睡眠品質不佳,連帶著也出現鼻蓄膿,鼻竇炎,鼻過敏,經常打噴嚏,氣喘,夜間打鼾, 更甚的是形成睡眠呼吸中止(OSA),可以說是咳在兒心,疼在娘心!!
其呼吸道在側位x光片上看,可以說是狹窄到不行,您看看這一篇裡的x光~~童鼾聲連連停止呼吸 (醫):及早矯正牙齒
另外,也有多數的病例出現利用口呼吸的現象,也就是不循正常管道用鼻腔呼吸,這類型的病例都有牙列開咬(open bite)的情形,
另外,這一篇也是常見的案例~~RME(RAPID MAXILLARY EXPANDER)快速上顎擴大器的臨床介紹
Can extractions, headgear, orthodontic appliances and/or braces impact your airway & breathing?
#OSA is becoming the most common chronic disease in all industrialized countries
#OSA can increase the likelihood of high blood pressure,stroke,heart attack and other life threatening conditions
# orthodontics can play a critical role in permanently eliminating OSA syptoms
# nothing good happens when breathing stops!
Your Airway - Is it affected by Orthodontic treatment?
#extraction(拔牙) & retraction(牙列後退) can narrow the airway(使呼吸道變窄)
#OSA( obstructive sleep apnea)(阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停)
#creating a balanced face & healthy airway
#60%~80% of all snorers will test (+) for OSA when they have a sleep study done
# 95% of all OSA patients in the U.S. are undiagnosed
#65%~80% of all stroke(中風) patients suffer from sleep apnea
# 1/3 of all people with coronary artery disease(冠狀動脈疾病) have sleep apnea
# sleep apnea patients are 6 times more likely to grind their teeth at night(夜間磨牙) than a normal population
# 90% of OSA patients suffer from hypertension(高血壓)
# creating a balanced face & healthy airway in children (and adolescents) may reduce tha chance of them developing OSA as adults