Interceptive Orthodontics: is Recognition and elimination of potential irregularities and malpositions in the developing dentofacial complex.
interceptive orthodontic treatment - Orthodontic treatment usually done when you are 6 to 10 years of age. The objective of interceptive orthodontic treatment is to expand your palate and make other corrections, so that your later orthodontic treatment goes quicker and is less painful.
the objective of interceptive orthodontic treatment is to make your jaw wider and reshape your mouth so there is room for your permanent teeth.
If you start interceptive orthodontic treatment when you are 8, it usually only takes 3-6 months, and avoids painful treatment later on.
Note: interceptive orthodontic treatment can take as long as 14 months if your bones grow slowly, or if you do not follow the orthodontists directions
Orthodontic treatment is sometimes started at an early age, by 6 to 8 years of age. This is called interceptive orthodontics. The objective of interceptive orthodontic treatment is to make room in the child's mouth for all the permanent teeth to erupt in proper alignment.
Yearly checkup of the child by the age of 6 years helps in diagnosing and early detection of any dental problem and a better treatment plan. Replacement of milk teeth occurs in chronological order depending on the development of permanent teeth below them. Preservation of milk teeth is extremely important till the eruption of permanent teeth to prevent malocclusions (incorrect bite) at a later date.
The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that all children see an orthodontist by age 7. By age 7, the first permanent molars and incisors have usually come in and crossbites, crowding and protrusions can be evaluated. The orthodontist can identify current or anticipated future dental problems and determine the best time for treatment. Any ongoing oral habits can also be evaluated at this time such as thumb sucking, mouth breathing, or finger sucking.
What are the advantages of interceptive treatment? (阻斷性治療的優點)
Some of the most direct results of interceptive treatment are:
- creating room for crowded, erupting teeth (給正在萌出且擁擠的牙齒創造空間)
- creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth (利用顎骨生長的影響創造顏面部的對稱)
- reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth (減少前牙前突造成損傷的風險)
- preserving space for unerupted teeth (給未萌牙預留空間)
- reducing the need for tooth removal (減少拔牙的需要)
- reducing treatment time with braces (減少戴用矯正器的時間)
Is There Still A Need For Interceptive Orthodontics?
Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics"An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure"
Interceptive Orthodontics and Space Maintenance
Interceptive orthodontics: The need for early diagnosis and treatment of posterior crossbite
Two-Phase Interceptive Orthodontics (important!!!)
哥大關於interceptive orthodontics的power points
Individual Tooth Movement(個別牙齒的移動裝置)
Interceptive Orthodontics Also known as "Early Treatment" or "Phase I Orthodontics"
Advantages of Early Preventative and Interceptive Orthodonticsin the 5 to 7 Year Old
dental development(內有各年齡層的牙齒出現數)