A)nasolabial angle的定義
the angle formed by the labial surface of the upper lip at the midline and the inferior border of the nose. It is a measure of the relative protrusion of the upper lip.(是用來看上嘴唇的突度)
Nasolabial angle - This is the angle between columella of nose & anterior surface of upper lip. (see fig. 7). The Normal angle Fig-7 Nasolabial Angle should be 90°. If it is <90o, the maxilla of that person is prominent & the profile is known as convex. It the angle is > 90o, the maxilla is said to be retruded & the profile concave.
(from: http://www.indmedica.com/journals.php?journalid=8&issueid=35&articleid=462&action=article)
An acute nasolabial angle can lead to a droopy nose, whereas an obtuse nasolabial angle can lead to a short or ‘uplifted' appearance(呈銳角的鼻唇角會產生鼻子下垂的樣子,然而,一個較呈鈍角的鼻唇角會產生一個短的上舉的外觀)
the greater the maxillary incisor retraction, the greater was the increase in nasolabial angle. (上前牙後退越多,鼻唇角的增加量也相對增加) ,Extraction and nonextraction treatment procedures did not show significant differences in the changes of the nasolabial angle.(拔不拔牙的治療在臨床上對鼻唇角的改變意義不大)
from ~~http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6961809
The improvement in the nasolabial angle could be due to the maxillary incisor retraction and not growth because several studies reported no significant change of nasolabial angle occurred with the growth.(鼻唇角與生長較無關係,主要是上門牙區的後退所產生的變化)
from~~ http://www.thejcdp.com/issue016/al_balkhi/12al_balkhi.shtml
Class II orthodontic treatment involving the extractions of only two upper premolars is likely to result in a wide range of variation in nasolabial angle, upper and lower lip curve depths, and upper incisor positions and angulations
from~ http://www.angle.org/anglonline/?issn=0003-3219&issue=05&page=0808&request=get-document&volume=077
(這是前牙疑似反咬的案例使用FRANKEL III功能性矯正器改善後的側貌,這是妹妹)
(這是成人34歲上前牙四顆反咬的案例,其側貌的圖象,經上顎TWO HINGE EXPANDER擴大撐開的上顎鼻唇角已在改變中,將來下嘴唇將慢慢經由咬合關係的改善,嘴唇會收進來)
(這是成人28歲CL III上顎全牙列完全錯咬的底包天伴咬合偏斜,經過拔牙矯治後的側貌圖像)
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