curve of spee
深咬的案例,curve of spee在下顎前方會隆起,形成高聳的陡峭形態,上下牙列的對咬關係因為功能性的位移(functional shift),很顯然下顎前牙會無意的去咬在上顎顎側的牙齦上,這是代償作用
同樣的,暴牙的案例當中,因為上下牙列的水平覆咬(overjet)關係差異大,下顎的前牙區也是為了代償作用,史必氏曲會隆起,造成下顎的curve of spee是concave(凹陷)的形態,上顎牙列則是convex(凸出)的形態
反咬的戽斗牙列,其 curve of spee顯得較flat(平坦)
假性的戽斗,因為下顎前方毫無阻擋,curve of spee往往會無意的隆起,臨床上矯正時會整平之,以改善成為正常的咬合
由以上圖例可知,矯正裡頭多少都會碰到需要整平curve of spee的情形,也就是我們所說的打平咬合,一條弓絲擺入牙列後,它會按照牙齒上所黏著的bracket(托槽),裡頭所建置的角度與軸傾度,轉矩度,一一的表現出來,咬合每次的上下牙齒接觸都會產生震盪力,這種震盪頻率必需要有吸震效果的弓絲來做整平的工作,否則,牙齒的牙周韌帶往往因為施力的不同,必須很小心的施力控制力值,否則,有可能會產生牙根的吸收(root resorption)
整平curve of spee的方法很多,此處不多贅述,弓絲是重要的要會選擇使用,反向史必氏曲弓絲(reverse curve of spee,俗稱搖椅弓))形態有多種,使用上必須當心,否則弓型很容易變樣,要重新再以ssw弓絲整好,線的使用對矯正是非常重要的,矯正醫師一定要懂得彎線,這樣才能避開一些可能的不當牙齒位移,也才能逐步把牙列整平排齊,達到矯正的目的
史必氏曲(curve of Spee,這是前後矢狀向=sagittal)
威爾森曲(curve of Wilson,這是左右向=垂直向=vertical)
Curve of Spee.(史必氏曲)
-The cusp tips and incisal edges align so that there is a smooth, linear curve when viewed from the lateral aspect. The mandibular curve of Spee is concave whereas the maxillary curve is convex.
-It was described by Von Spee as a 4" cylinder(4吋的柱狀體) that engages the occlusal surfaces.
-It is called a compensating curve of the dental arch.(牙弓的補償曲線) Illustration of the Curve of Spee seen from a lateral perspective and the Curve of Willson viewed from the distal end of the lower dentition
-There is another: the Curve of Wilson. Clinically, it relates to the anterior overbite: the deeper the curve, the deeper the overbite. The Curve of Wilson is referred to only infrequently in dental literature.
-If the Curve of Spee is flattened out during orthodontic treatment, it tends to come back. .....
occlusion~key to dentistry(A36-A40裡有CURVE OF SPEE&WILSON)(如果您的咬合學不夠好,這裡正是您再充電一次的好地方)