
The incidence ranges between 0.92-2%3,4 and

 is twice as common in females than males.5(女多於男)

85% per cent of impactions are palatal, while the remaining 15% are buccal.6,7

Possible causes include :(可能的發生原因為)

1)the long developmental path of eruption of the maxillary canine,2,8 (長的萌發途徑)

2)the lack of guidance from the adjacent lateral incisor root9,10,11 (缺少鄰牙的誘導途徑)

3)and ectopic development of the tooth by polygenic inheritance patterns.12,13(異位發育)

The reported incidence of incisor root resorption caused by ectopic canines varies between 12.5-48%(引發門牙牙根吸收的發生率)



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