以下這一篇連結是damon system的操作要領,如果您想要多認識damon system,這一篇不容錯過

Fast Track News You Can Use to Boost Your Performance with the Damon Self-Ligating Bracket System

1. Begin nearly all cases with .014 Damon Copper Ni-Ti    in both arches. Keep this wire in place for a  minimum of 10 weeks.(剛開始要使用輕持續力,且超過10周以上,其目的就是要讓牙齒好好感受弓絲的力量,一來不overpower,二來可以輕易的進入下一條方線,,)
2. Place archwire stops anterior to the crowding.(也就是說把stop放在不擁擠的牙位處,對rotation或crowding的牙齒可以得到改正的機會與適切的力量)
3. Simplify your wire progression by using the following four-wire sequence in both arches:(damon system的四個階段)
.014 Damon Copper Ni-Ti (Part No. 205-1902) – Light Wire Phase
.014 x .025 Damon Copper Ni-Ti (Part No. 210-1905) – High Tech Edgewise Phase
.018 x .025 Damon Copper Ni-Ti (Part No. 210-1907) – High Tech Edgewise Phase
.019 x .025 Damon Posted Stainless Steel –Major Mechanics and Finishing Phases
Note: In young patients with well-aligned teeth, use a three-wire sequence:(青年人用3個弓絲系列)
.014 Damon Copper Ni-Ti (Part No. 205-1902)
.016 x .025 Damon Copper Ni-Ti (Part No. 210-1906)
.019 x .025 Damon Stainless Steel
4. Rigid or semi-rigid wires should be inserted nearly passive after leveling, aligning and the elimination of  rotations with Copper Ni-Ti.
5. Copy the final arch form from the lower arch following completion of the edgewise high-tech phase of the  archwire progression.
6. Posterior arch width is gained without the use of rapid palatal expanders.(不使用擴大裝置)
7. Do not bind the molars with TPAs, lingual bars, headgear, Nance buttons, or other similar appliances, because they will prevent posterior lateral development.(會阻礙後方齒群的排列)
8. Move teeth in groups.(組牙移動)
9. To open space, use medium-light Ni-Ti springs. To close space, use 9 mm medium Ni-Ti springs. On adult  cases or challenging extraction cases, use pletcher springs. Do not activate more than two brackets in  length.
10. To prevent spaces from opening after leveling and aligning, tie the interiors together under the archwire  with chain or ligature wire.
11. Use tieback modules or chain to consolidate the posteriors.(這是damon system的特色)
12. Retain all cases with bondable lingual retainers. Retain the following types of cases with a Damon splint:Class II, Herbst retention, severe posterior crossbites, lateral tongue thrusters, severe Class II corrected  with elastics or Herbst with springs, any patient with transverse dysfunction (buckle-lingual coordination challenges), patients in need of tongue training, and TMJ patient retention. Damon splints are used in approximately 1/3

rd  of all patients treated with the Damon System.

* These tips are a composite list of several suggested recommendations developed by Dr. Damon and others.
These tips should not be considered a treatment plan or be used in place of your clinical judgment.
以下這一段話是DR. ALAN BAGDEN的致理名言
People often ask me what the best cases are to begin with when converting to the Damon System. In my opinion, the best way to understand the fantastic benefits of  the Damon System in the shortest period of time is to begin ALL new case starts  with the Damon System immediately. Don't begin with just the easy ones; don't begin with just the hard ones. Begin ALL of your new cases with the Damon System.
This is the fastest way to shorten the learning curve (and when you fully commit, it is truly a short learning curve). You, your staff, and your patients will be glad you did. Don't be a dabbler!
Dr. Alan Bagden
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