微笑分析 (smile analysis.)可分為:

1)高位微笑 (high smile)微笑時顯露100%的上前牙與部分牙齦

2)低位微笑( low smile)微笑時上前牙面積顯露小於75%.

3)中位微笑 (median smile)微笑時上前牙面積顯露在75%~100%之間,少見牙齦乳頭


What makes a great smile?
A great smile automatically lifts a person’s confidence and makes them feel more attractive. Ultimately it is the one that is right for
you, whether it is a white Hollywood smile or a more natural look, whichever you decide it is all about symmetry!

Symmetry around the centreline of our face is of great importance for an aesthetically pleasing smile. Even when this is not 100% possible, the illusion of symmetry should be created. The front two upper central incisors should be symmetrical in size, length and shape


Horizontal Alignment
Ideally the smile line should be aligned so it is parallel to the horizontal.

Smile Line
The edges of your upper teeth should be parallel to the lower lip when you smile.

Gum Line
The gum line connects the highest points of the gum levels of the upper teeth. Ideally this line should follow the line of the upper lip, to ensure minimum gum exposure and optimum display of the teeth on smiling.

Smile Width
With a narrow smile the side teeth are often in shadow. A wider smile allows one to see the ideal progression from the front to the back teeth, this is more attractive!

Golden Proportions
The golden rule of proportion describes an ideal ratio of the visible widths of the front six teeth.

Tooth Proportions
These are the guidelines for the ideal proportions of each tooth to achieve a beautiful smile. 100% height and 75% in width

Embrasures are the small triangular spaces between the tips of the teeth. These are artistically created by the ceramist and dentist to ensure a natural look.


Lips are to teeth as a frame is to a picture! The shape, fullness and symmetry of your lips can be optimised for the ideal smile.



有關smile line的介紹



Esthetic Factors Involved in Anterior Tooth Display and the Smile: Vertical Dimension(跟gummy smile有關)

 smile design(笑容的設計)

smile design II(相當棒的power points)

Influence of Sex on the Perception of Oral and Smile Esthetics with Different Gingival Display and Incisal Plane Inclination


Journal of the Anatomical Society of India Anatomy of "A Beautiful Face & Smile"(圖解顏面微笑比例)


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