

●canine impaction可分為

1)palatal impaction

2)labial impaction

●The incidence (發生率)of maxillary canine impaction is between 0·9% to 2·0%

canine impaction was found to be 3.58%

Maxillary canine impaction is a well known dental. anomaly and the incidence is in the range 0.8–2.8%,(有些文獻講)The maxillary canine is second only to the third molar in frequency of impaction, with a prevalence of 0.8 to 3.3 %

canine impaction可以分為兩種理論"guidance theory” and “genetic theory"

●Dental features associated with palatal canine impaction are (顎側犬齒阻生的牙科所見為)

1)small size of upper lateral incisors (hypoplasia), (側門牙過小牙)

2)agenesis of upper lateral incisors, (上側門牙沒有形成)

3)agenesis of second premolars and (第二小臼齒沒有形成)

4)infraocclusion of primary molars.(乳臼齒的咬合下滯留)

●Diagnosis of canine impaction (診斷)is based on visual inspection, palpation and radiography. (視診,觸診,與x光)

In cases without arch length discrepancy, early deciduous canine extraction is a suitable way to prevent canine impaction. (早期拔除乳牙是一個避免犬齒阻生的較適合的方法)

Root resorptions of the lateral and central incisors often occur when palatal canine impaction is present.(側門牙與正門牙常會因為犬齒顎側阻生而導致牙根吸收)

 Only computertomography accurately depicts root resorptions. Whenever surgical exposure of an impacted canine is needed the orthodontist should consider possible effects of different surgical techniques.

After surgical exposure, orthodontic traction is applied to the impacted tooth. Since Jacoby introduced the “ballista spring”, (jacoby使用ballista spring來誘導犬齒萌出)many cantilever mechanics for initial extrusion have been described.


The purpose of this article is to review current diagnosis and treatment of maxillary canine impaction.

Canine impaction may be either labial or palatal and, in Europeans, palatal impaction is 2-3 times more frequent than labial impaction11.

The prevalence of palatine impaction with respect to labial impaction ranges from a ratio of 7:1, reported by Jacoby12, to a ratio of 2:1,


Clinical examination revealed asymmetrybetween right and left cuspids; the 53 was overretained and not mobile whereas the 63 had exfoliated naturally allowing the 23 to erupt into the arch. The 13 was palatally impacted and required surgical exposure and orthodontic alignment.

surgical exposure+ortho. tx

significant overlap of the maxillary cuspid and the lateral incisor makes recovery of the impacted canine following extraction of the primary cuspid less likely.

These periapical radiographs show severe lateral root resorption that resulted from palatally impacted cuspids that resorbed the adjacent roots.


A Review of Impacted Permanent Maxillary Cuspids — Diagnosis and Prevention



少女牙齒隱藏上顎齒槽十餘年 手術重見天日

Orthodontic Treatment Acceleration with Corticotomy-assisted Exposure of Palatally Impacted Canines

The Treatment of a Palatally Impacted Maxillary Canine by Tunnel Traction Method

Impacted upper canines involving extraction of lateral incisors(多圖片)


labially impacted/lingually impacted canines management(by. dr.張慧男)


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