A supernumerary tooth located in the midline of the anterior maxillae between the maxillary central incisor teeth(位於上顎兩中切牙的中間的多生牙)
Mesiodentes are the most common supernumerary teeth, occurring in 0.15% to 1.9% of the population(非常常見的多生牙,在人口數的佔率為0.15~1.9%)
The cause of mesiodentes is not fully understood, although proliferation of the dental lamina and genetic factors have been implicated. Mesiodentes can cause delayed or ectopic eruption of the permanent incisors, which can further alter occlusion and appearance. It is therefore important for the clinician to diagnose a mesiodens early in development to allow for optimal yet minimal treatment.
Treatment options may include surgical extraction of the mesiodens. If the permanent teeth do not erupt in a reasonable period after the extraction, surgical exposure and orthodontic treatment may be required to ensure eruption and proper alignment of the teeth. In some instances, fixed orthodontic therapy is also required to create sufficient arch space before eruption and alignment of the incisor(s). Early diagnosis allows the most appropriate treatment, often reducing the extent of surgery, orthodontic treatment and possible complications. This paper outlines the causes and modes of presentation of mesiodentes, and presents guidelines for diagnosis and management of nonsyndromic mesiodentes.
(3)除上述情形之外的正中贅生牙拔除時機,須等恆門牙牙根發育達諾拉式分類法(nolla stage)第8階段以上。
Mesiodens is a midline supernumerary tooth commonly seen in the maxillary arch. It is the most significant dental anomaly affecting permanent dentition mainly and primary dentition rarely. It may occur as an isolated dental anomalous condition or may be associated with a syndrome. Many theories have been promulgated to explain its etiology. But an exact etiology is still obscure. Incidence of mesiodens in children varies from 0.15 to 3.8%. Boys are affected more (2 : 1) than Girls. Morphologically, mesiodens may be of three types: the most commonly seen is conical, while tuberculate and supplementary types.
Results showed that males were affected four times as frequently as female. Thirty-five percent of the patients had more than one supernumerary tooth. About 67% of the mesiodens were conical in shape and about 34% of the mesiodens were in the upward position. The age and sex distribution, number of mesiodens per patient, shape, direction, size, and effect on permanent upper incisors are also presented in this study.(from:
寬大的上頜中切牙間隙( 4 m m以上)絕大多數由正中多生牙引起,早期摘除有礙的正中多生牙對兒童中切牙間隙過大的自行調整有重要意義.(from:
Supernumerary teeth, which is described as teeth or tooth substance that develops in excess of deciduous and permanent teeth, most commonly involve the anterior maxilla. Mesiodens are one type of supernumerary teeth that develops in paramedian space of premaxilla. Sometimes mesiodens can be inverted with its crown facing the nasal cavity. Because of its own pathology and possible disruption of neighboring normal teeth, supernumerary teeth should be removed regardless of its eruption. We experienced two cases of mesiodens detected in the nasal floor and so report these cases with a review of literature. (發生在nasal cavity的mesiodens
根尖x光片所見的mesiodens x光像
Mesiodens presenting as a dentigerous cyst : Case report
Mesiodens Preventing Eruptionof a Permanent Central Incisor
Dentigerous cyst associated with multiple mesiodens: A case report
Management and effects of mesiodens teeth on the upper central incisor
Giroversion of left upper central caused by mesiodens in a 6 year old girl by dr.Arthur Nouel
Non-syndrome multiple supernumerary teeth: A case report J Contemp Dent Pract 2007;8:1-5