Dens in Dente (also called Dens Invaginatus)
(tooth within a tooth)
- Occurs due to invagination of inner enamel epithelium
- Prevalence = 7.7%
- Maxillary lateral incisors most commonly affected
- Enamel and dentin can be absent in the invaginated portion leading to pulp exposure
Endodontic treatment of dens invaginatus: A 5-year follow-up
Invasive cervical resorption (侵犯性的齒頸部吸收)
dental anatomy &anomalies (這是對牙齒基本解剖形態的複習與形態異常會引發的一些問題的探討)
Restoration of traumatized anterior teeth by interdisciplinary approach: Report of three cases
Root extrusion, a practical solution in complicated crown-root incisor fractures
A Fused Maxillary Central Incisor with Dens Evaginatus as a Talon Cusp
(知道這一部車是甚麼廠牌的嗎?~~~Mercedes-Benz CLS 500)可以說是一部夢幻之車